Episode 15 - Ted Talks

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Have you ever considered using Ted Talks to boost your mood or productivity? This week I explore why these quick talks might just give you the boost you need.

Links Mentioned in this episode

Ted Talks on YouTube


Welcome to episode 15 of Shift Your Shit With Sara. This week I’m talking a little bit about a quick and easy way to boost your mood and shift your way of thinking, and it even involves screen time! I’m talking about Ted Talks!

I’ve found Ted talks super interesting, they’re bite-sized, and can often shift the way that you’re thinking about things. Whether it’s a talk that’s based on mental health, productivity, or change, or just one on a topic of general interest, it can serve to be just the thing to help you take a few moments for yourself and get a new perspective!

There are so many reasons why this might be a technique that works for people - it might be distraction, learning something new, hearing something inspiring, or just taking time to yourself, or even a combination of a few. By the time I finish watching these short talks, I’m usually either in a much better mood, or frame of mind, and I encourage you to try this out as well. 

Maybe the distraction is just what you need. Is there something you’re ruminating on, or a situation that just doesn’t seem to want to leave your thoughts? Change the channel and the script in your mind for a few minutes with one of these well-spoken talks and maybe that’s just enough to get your brain moving in a new direction.

Of course you’re not going to learn everything about the topic during a quick Ted Talk, but it can definitely get you thinking differently and considering a new view on a topic. It could even teach you something you didn’t know, and help you to start to make new connections! Learning something new can be incredibly powerful for shifting your thinking.

So many of the Ted Talkers have inspiring stories - and maybe that’s just what you need to hear. Maybe you want to be able to consider the positive possibilities, whether they’re directly related to what you’re feeling or not. Spark some of those feel-good neurotransmitters and see how it can improve how you think and feel!

Since Ted Talks are usually nice and quick, it’s a good way to take some time to do something just for yourself. Just sit and watch when you need a moment, as part of a bedtime or morning routine, or to get yourself inspired again in the afternoon. 

Ted even has its own app that’s available on your phone, and even some smart tv platforms and connections, so you can watch it anywhere, it’s incredibly easy. So, whether you’re watching them on YouTube, on your smart TV, or on your phone on the go, you’re doing something positive for yourself, even while you’re spending time in front of the screen - so it may be an easy thing for you to try out.

For today’s tiny takeaway, I suggest you watch a Ted Talk or two and see how you feel afterwards. Are you feeling inspired? Do you have a new viewpoint? Did you just learn something really interesting that you want to share with others? 

Whether it be on YouTube, or through an app, just search the Ted Talks for something that interests you - you can find a talk related to most topics since there are so many out there! Try keywords like mental health, inspiration, change, neurotransmitters, happy, improvement, or maybe just a topic that you have an interest in like fitness, reading, gaming, anything, and see what shows up. There are so many talks out there that I’m sure there will be something that piques your interest! And they’re not all serious, some are quite funny as well, so there’s definitely something for everyone.

If you find that you enjoy the Ted Talks, make them a part of a routine and see what else you can learn!

Thank you so much for joining me on today’s episode of Shift Your Shit with Sara, the weekly podcast where I help people shift into the life they love. Everything mentioned in this episode will be in today’s show notes at shiftyourshitwithsara.com/15, that’s the number 15. Again, thank you so much for joining me today, and I’ll see you again next time.


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